TSN Football Insider Dave Naylor sits down with CFL Director of Global Scouting Greg Quick, who discusses his responsibilities, the desire of international players, and the future evolution of CFL 2.0.

On his title and responsibilities as Director of Global Scouting:

As in any director, like an orchestra, is to orchestrate how we put CFL 2.0 on an international phase and bring the players in, they’re going to help fuel the initiative. I’m in charge of the assessment and procurement of talent.

On the international reach of CFL 2.0:

I’ll be in nine countries, eight in Europe, two cities in Japan, and Mexico. We have 10 combines planned before the national combine in March.

On the desire of international players to play in the CFL:

Their appetite can’t be satisfied. There are numerous (international) players in North America playing in universities, even in the arena leagues, things of that nature. So they look at any opportunity possible to come to what they see as the heartland of football, which is North America. What’s been interesting as you talk to these young men … they find the CFL a very attractive spot to come to. We have people that would rather come to the CFL because of our culture and because the history of our league. They may opt to come to the CFL than maybe even play in the NFL because the opportunities. We may have as many as 35-47 international global players in our league this season.

On the future evolution of CFL 2.0:

The great part of it right now is I really have my tentacles in all aspects. I think we’re going to have to continue to grow because we’re finding that the numbers are exponential as we continue to move forward. Japan has 150 athletes coming to the combines. Germany has 50 athletes coming to the combines. So you can imagine, I’m thinking about writing these reports … so I think as we continue to grow, it’s going to be to really champion the cause of what we do, identify the best processes and procedures.