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TSN Basketball Analyst



Having fun yet? I'm loving it! Can't wait for Thursday. We're all talked out about Curry, Delly and LeBron. Here's a few other things to ponder.

1. ANDREW BOGUT and HARRISON BARNES: Coach Steve Kerr had better send out the search party for these guys or greatly reduce the minutes they're getting. Both have been ineffective and a liability on the floor for his team. There is no doubt in my mind that after three games Kerr will have a very tight leash on both and go with the better and more experienced Andre Iguodala and more mobile and effective David Lee. Can't afford to go down 3-1. It's like Playoff baseball - you use your whole pitching staff if you have to get outs and worry about the next game and hurt feelings for another day. Like the Memphis series when they were stuck 2-1 - the moment of truth has arrived.

2. OFFICIALS: I could spend lots of time on this but it's too draining. Bottom line, it's been inconsistent on both sides and both teams have benefited some and been hurt other times. Realistically, in spite of the inconsistency, I truly feel that the team that deserves to be up 2-1 (and could be easily up 3-0) is up 2-1 - the Cavs. They've earned it. Does the officiating need to improve? Yes. When I look at the crews in the first three games, we're talking about guys who are very good at what they do yet no one is perfect. I hope their role in all of this doesn't become a bigger story because it has been a wonderful series.

3. WEST TO EAST: I said it the other day and I saw it on Wednesday night. It's very difficult for teams to go from West to East, make the three-hour time difference adjustment, get rest, tune out numerous distractions and get their legs under them and perform all with only one day of rest. And that's after having so much time off between the Conference Finals and Game 1 with two more days off in the same city before Game 2. Cleveland fed off their wonderful fans yet faded late and hung on for dear life while the Warriors were sleepwalking through the first three quarters and finally woke up. I think we'll get a better overall game as far as flow/fluidity on Thursday evening. The Cavs earned the win and deserved the win. They've proven to be the more mentally resilient team by far. Golden State hasn't led after any of the 12 regulation quarters in this series. What does that say?

4. CAVS BIGS: So far a tail kicking by Tristian Thompson and Timofey Mozgov. Terrific lane intimidation and rim protection. High energy screen and roll coverage and physicality. Both have been beasts on the boards and their effort has yet to be matched significantly by the Warriors bigs.  David Lee might be a weak defender (notice how Cavs tried to get him on switches on LeBron in Screen and Roll) but he'll rebound, score, pass and won't back down from anyone. They have outperformed Golden State and have been massive in their quality of screens for teammates as well. Job well done.

5. JR SMITH and IMAN SHUMPERT: Really liked how both played in Game 3. Shumpert has been fabulous defensively and made timely offensive plays while Smith seemed more settled down and engaged on both ends with the game plan. Their athleticism, creativity and supreme confidence are nice to have in big games. Smith might be goofy but he does compete and can make dagger shots.