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Wehry accused of cheating to beef up result at Nathan's hot dog contest

Nick Wehry Nick Wehry - Getty Images

Competitive eater Nick Wehry is being accused of cheating at last week's Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest to boost his total over the elusive 50 hot dog mark, the New York Post reports.

Wehry was first credited with eating 46.75 hot dogs, but reportedly asked for a recount, which pushed him to 51.75 hot dogs. He remained as the fourth-place finisher despite the jump, just over six hot dogs behind first-time winner Patrick Bertoletti, who took down 58. Second-place finisher Geoff Esper consumed 53 hot dogs, one more than James Webb, who was third with 52.

The scores of the competition are tallied based on empty plates in front of each eater. Each plate is worth five hot dogs and Wehry is accused of stealing of an additional plate to boost his score.

“If [Major League Eating] determines I was miscounted then fix my number," Wehry told the Post via text message. ""My placing did not change if this was the case. I would never want to take a placing or number I didn’t earn.

“I would never cheat at a contest, regardless of why. People that know me know that.”

MLE told the Post it did review footage that appeared to show Wehry lifting a plate from competitor Sean Yeager's pile, but it's policy is not to overturn the judge's final decision. 

“I guess the video looks like I was mis-plated," Wehry added. "Genuinely sorry if it was the case.”

Wehry is the husband of 10-time women's Mustard Belt champion Miki Sudo, who topped the 50-hot dog mark for the first time this year. 

“I was watching Nick the entire time, there is a camera on him the entire time, there’s no way the judges got it wrong,” Sudo told the Post.

The men's world record for hot dogs consumed at the contest continues to be held by Joey Chestnut at 76. The 16-time Mustard Belt champion was banned from this year's event after signing with a rival company.