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Fan to return Brendan Gallagher’s cancer tribute jersey in emotional exchange

Gatineau-based Lucie Lachance is coming to Montreal next month to swap jerseys with one of her idols, Montreal Canadiens player Brendan Gallagher. Lucie Lachance is coming to Montreal next month to swap jerseys with Brendan Gallagher - Lucie Lachance

Gatineau-based Lucie Lachance is coming to Montreal next month to swap jerseys with one of her idols, Montreal Canadiens player Brendan Gallagher.

The trade came about after Lachance reached out to Gallagher on X, offering him a purple and white Hockey Fights Cancer jersey that the Habs forward wore at the Bell Centre in 2022.

On the jersey’s “I Fight For” label, Gallagher had written the word “Mom” in tribute to his mother.

“So, what I want to do on April 16 is give back this jersey that Gallagher wore and dedicate it to his mom, back to the family,” Lachance said in a recent interview.

Last week, Gallagher announced that his mother, Della Gallagher, had died after a long battle with brain cancer.

“He reached out not long after that. He said he was very touched and moved by my gesture,” she said.

Lachance said Gallagher suggested they swap jerseys.

“He is going to take his jersey – the one he will wear during the game – and he is going to trade it with mine.”

Lachance, who has met Gallagher a couple of times and even gotten his autograph outside the Brossard practice facility, anticipates the moment will be emotional.