May 7, 2021
Rubber Boots - Season 6 Episode 15 - "Well… It Was Something"
The kids do TikTok… We do Tick Talk! On this episode we find out that Jimmy is indeed MacGyver, as he and Brooksie celebrate their anniversary with a toilet and a sandwich. Thanks to #Prophylactic Nation we learn what a Merkin is, and that Lester has a unique talent for spotting them, which also leads to Stoff's theory about our listeners. Puffy is on a mission to reunite Ho and Tessa Harrison, and rekindle their premiere chat romance. Hugo is very vocal but turns out to be a bit camera shy, we discuss another post-apopoliptic show, and the guys prep for Family Feud. All that and a cliff-hanger ending!! What an episode! PLUS: Things On Twitter, What You Wathin', We Sing Old Themes, Listener Mailbag, and the debut of 'Find a Merkin'!