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Connor Bedard on his partnership with Gatorade, Canada

ConnorBedard-Gatorade ConnorBedard

The Shift's Kayla Grey caught up with Canada's young hockey star Connor Bedard to talk about his meaningful partnership with Gatorade Canada and his career thus far. 

KG: How does it feel joining such an elite group of talent as part of the Gatorade family?

CB: It’s really exciting to partner with a brand that has worked with so many great athletes over the years and is committed to excellence. Like so many Canadians, it feels like just yesterday I was asking my mom and dad if I could have my favourite flavour after a practice or a big game.

KG: Were there any Gatorade commercials coming up that you remember well?

CB: There are a few that stick out – but the ‘Be Like Mike’ commercial has to be the one I remember best. It was obviously a bit before my time, but I would still see it a bunch growing up. They have done some great ones with Crosby over the years too.


KGWhat’s the most expensive item that you may have smashed growing up while practicing your shot?

CB: I definitely smashed a few windows back in the day...but my dad, with the help of a neighbour eventually built a system to help protect our house and our neighbour’s.

KGWhat has surprised you most about Chicago?

CB: I think just the fans and the passion for the Blackhawks in the city. Chicago is obviously a huge sports town, but it is really cool to see the fans support us the way they’s a great city to play and live in.

KG: Passion for performance is something that you have in clear alignment with Gatorade as a brand, growing up, were there any other sports or disciplines you incorporated into your routine that allowed you to have an extra edge?

CB: I loved to play inline/roller hockey during the summer months. In many ways, it’s a different game than ice hockey and something I really enjoyed growing up. I would definitely say my inline/roller experience helped me develop as an ice hockey player. Recently I’ve started playing some more golf and some pickleball and I really enjoy both.

KG: Congratulations on the Calder Trophy, I’d imagine as someone entering their second
year as an NHL player, the job still feels unfinished. With time to review tape or the
foundation that you’ve laid, what’re some new goals that you want to achieve in the
new season?

CB: I think the biggest thing is just taking another step forward as a team. We have a lot
of young guys, and we are working hard to find our way in the league together – but
we want to make sure that we’re making positive progress with the goal of making
the playoffs and getting a chance to compete for the Stanley Cup.

KG: Who was one teammate that taught you the most about what it was to be a

CB: We were fortunate in Chicago to have some great veteran players and people off the
ice around, so I can’t single out anyone in particular – but it’s definitely really nice to
have teammates who can ask questions, and who are always trying to help you feel
comfortable and adapt.