May 21, 2021
Rubber Boots - Season 6 Episode 16 - "I Actually Dated Noodles"
James scores some high end granola, but Puffy is skeptical, but the protein powder is where the real controversy lies. Undeterred, Jimmy goes through old photos while considering a daytime hosting gig. Puffy share his Bulk Barn secret, begins planning for Duthie's empty nest years, and Lester contemplates a name change. The guys argue about the Golf Ban before realizing they're ultimately on the same side, discuss the future of sports broadcasting, and address 'LIVE With Ryan and Kelly' stealing their segments. Last but not certainly least, RBNN is back with full coverage of the DogeCoin phenomenon. Keep sending us your merch ideas!!!! PLUS; Things I Saw On Twitter, What You Watchin, Listener Mail and our new game show… 'The Protein Is Right'