Rubber Boots - Season 6 Episode 21 - "The Sincerest Form Of Flattery" -
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Jun 18, 2021

Rubber Boots - Season 6 Episode 21 - "The Sincerest Form Of Flattery"

Jimmy makes a new friend, travels to the depths of Costco, and considers making his own sleeping pill.  Meanwhile, Puffy wants James to start a new reality show,  shares a deep secret with the listeners, and takes issue with national monument.  Speaking of taking issue, Lester doesn't seem to care for Stoff's latest homage to him.   The boys cover all the bases, from great whale escapes to debating if there can truly be a "Canada's Team" in the NHL. PLUS: Things I Saw On Twitter, Listener Mail and…The Return Of Puffy's Hypotheticals!!! PLUS PLUS: Stay tuned for a bonus What You Watching: This or That Showdown… after the podcast concludes!

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    Rubber Boots - Season 6 Episode 18 - "First Ballot, Baby!"

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    Rubber Boots - Season 6 Episode 17 - "BootCoin"

    Jimmy is having phone issues, but Stoff thinks he may have been catfished. Puffy gets in trouble, Lester talks dating during the pandemic, and Aaron Korolnek returns with an 'A-hole or A-Ok' that has the pod divided. The good times at the Rubber Boots Business News Network continue as we pick up on our cryptocurrency conversation from last week, which naturally leads to us developing our own coin. We look back at the OverDrive 200m showdown, call out fake accents, and update the 'Love In The Chat". PLUS: Things I Saw On twitter, What You Watching, and Listener Mailbag!

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    Rubber Boots - Season 6 Episode 16 - "I Actually Dated Noodles"

    James scores some high end granola, but Puffy is skeptical, but the protein powder is where the real controversy lies.   Undeterred, Jimmy goes through old photos while considering a daytime hosting gig.  Puffy share his Bulk Barn secret, begins planning for Duthie's empty nest years, and Lester contemplates a name change.   The guys argue about the Golf Ban before realizing they're ultimately on the same side, discuss the future of sports broadcasting, and address 'LIVE With Ryan and Kelly' stealing their segments.  Last but not certainly least, RBNN is back with full coverage of the DogeCoin phenomenon.   Keep sending us your merch ideas!!!! PLUS; Things I Saw On Twitter, What You Watchin, Listener Mail and our new game show… 'The Protein Is Right'

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    Rubber Boots - Season 6 Episode 15 - "Well… It Was Something"

    The kids do TikTok… We do Tick Talk!  On this episode we find out that Jimmy is indeed MacGyver, as he and Brooksie celebrate their anniversary with a toilet and a sandwich.  Thanks to #Prophylactic Nation we learn what a Merkin is, and that Lester has a unique talent for spotting them, which also leads to Stoff's theory about our listeners.  Puffy is on a mission to reunite Ho and Tessa Harrison, and rekindle their premiere chat romance.   Hugo is very vocal but turns out to be a bit camera shy, we discuss another post-apopoliptic show, and the guys prep for Family Feud.  All that and a cliff-hanger ending!!  What an episode! PLUS: Things On Twitter, What You Wathin', We Sing Old Themes, Listener Mailbag, and the debut of 'Find a Merkin'!

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    Jimmy recaps the Oscars, contemplates getting eye lid extensions, and steals Stoff's idea for a pre-gym class product designed to cover up shame.   Lester continues to push his 'Pod Child' agenda, Puffy names his price to get in the ring with Jake Paul, and the guys marvel at the concept of naked phys-ed swim classes, which apparently took place all across our fine continent in the 1960's.  The guys discuss the NHL's new broadcast partners south of the border, and revisit their Ferris Bueller deep dive, with shocking revelations.  PLUS: What You Watchin, Listener Mailbag, and Things I Saw On Twitter

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    Rubber Boots - Season 6 Episode 13 - "Golf Might Be Safer Than The Vaccine"

    Jimmy accept the poll results, and goes double pirate… and as a result Stoff's notes go unread. Naturally chaos ensues.  Bump (Mr. Noodle!) makes his triumphant return after being cast aside at the Masters, and leaves with a bit of homework.   The guys discuss the Ontario Golf ban, and the reaction to it.  Puffy uses the pod to punch in his Gold Bar picks, and spills a major secret behind professional wrestling, while Lester goes all Macho.  We're talking dance video, Jake Paul and Punky Brewster… and Jimmy takes dog medicine, what an episode! PLUS: Things I Saw On Twitter, What You Watchin' and Listener Mailbag!

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    Rubber Boots - Season 6 Episode 12 - "I Did The Best I Could"

    Puffy is sorry, Jimmy is tired, and Corey Conners is gunning for Bob Weeks.  This pod is like a masterclass; Jimmy reveals his popcorn secret, Puffy reveals his butter secret, and Stoff's secret toast will blow your mind.  The guys recap a very busy week at TSN, with behind the scenes stories about the Masters and TradeCentre, and we share a BIG announcement pertaining to the podcast and the Gold Bar League! 

  • Apr 21, 2021

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    Rubber Boots New Logo

    Rubber Boots - Season 6 Episode 11 - "People Watch This?"

    It's The Masters Pod!!  You know the drill; the guys tape for hours and Stoff posts what's salvable.  With Jimmy stuck in Canada for TradeCentre duties Puffy, Bump and Graham DeLaet join the pod from Augusta, Georgia.  The guys fill in James, Lester and Stoff on all they've been missing at the Masters, as Bump and Graham have a special announcement.  The Augusta Three find themselves muted often, but find their way back every time.  Pea Soup Jim is definitely bitter over having to miss the trip, while James is simply wondering if his tracksuit is really a "dadsuit".  The title for this week's pod is somewhat ironic…as this weeks pod will be audio only, as some of the footage is simply too real and terrifying (even for the internet).  We will post a few usable clips onto our social media over the next couple days.  Enjoy the mayhem!  A tradition like no other…

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